The Role of Israel in Last Days Prophecy (2 CD set)


We all know that Bible prophecy, foretelling the End Times, is a complex subject addressed throughout the Old and New Testaments. In this two-CD audio teaching, Rabbi Jonathan Bernis homes in on the unique role that Israel and the Jewish people play as Bible prophecy about the Last Days unfolds. Discover the the answers to these and other questions about Israel and the Last Days: 

  • Why did ancient Jewish rabbis believe in two Messiahs?
  • What does Satan know that you, as a Christian, don't know? 
  • Why is Satan trying to destroy the Jewish people?
  • What is God's heart for the Church and the Jewish people?
  • What does the Bible's reference to the "fullness of the Gentiles" mean?
  • What one single great event must take place before the return of Messiah, Jesus?
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