Shabbat: A Sacred Rhythm of Rest


Life today runs at a breakneck speed that seems only to get faster.  The pressure of feeling perpetually behind can be hard to ignore. The truth is, most of us don’t know how to rest. Enter Shabbat – the Sabbath. Shabbat is a gift that offers us the stability of a regular, intentional time to step out of the fray and hide ourselves in the haven of the Lord’s gift of rest.

Shabbat: A Sacred Rhythm of Rest, takes you through the biblical origins of the Sabbath; how the Jewish sages defined work; Jewish observance today; the Shabbat table, candle lighting ceremony and blessings; Shabbat’s relevancy for Gentile Believers; seeing Jesus in its Jewish traditions; and tips for establishing your own Shabbat observance. It also includes a Challah bread recipe and sample blessings you can pray over your Shabbat guests. You are cordially invited to discover the Lord’s sacred gift of rest.

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