Mexico City Festival DVD


Lots of prayer, planning, and preparation go into a Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance. In our efforts to reach the large Jewish population in Mexico City, our staff headed south of the border, hitting the streets with the Good News, distributing invitations and engaging the locals in conversations about the Jewish Messiah. The results were staggering!

In this powerful DVD that records the actual event, the beautiful 10,000-seat Auditorio Nacional was filled with enthusiasm for world-renowned violinist Maurice Sklar, Messianic worship leader Paul Wilbur, singing sensations Kol Simcha and the Klezmeranians, plus beautiful dancing from ballerina Oksana Pavlova and The Messiah Company dance team. Each night of the three-night event, our own Rabbi Jonathan Bernis presented an inspiring message of God’s love through Yeshua the Messiah. As a result, 773 new Believers were born into the Kingdom of God! A new Messianic congregation was launched, and all the glory goes to God!

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